The Ultimate Guide to Cycle Syncing: How To Optimize Your Body's Natural Cycles

Wait, What is Cycle Syncing?

Sorry girls, this isn’t about us trying to get our periods to sync up. Cycle syncing is when you adjust your daily activities around the stages of your menstrual cycle to help optimize your life. 

Have you ever given a speech and thought “wow, I’d do even better if I weren’t suffering from period cramps right now.”

Cycle syncing is based on the idea that when we are in tune with our bodies' ebbs and flows, we can use them to our advantage.

The Benefits of Cycle Syncing

By understanding how your body fluctuates throughout the month, you can start making decisions based on hormone patterns and plan your life accordingly. Cycle syncing can help you ace that new pitch at work, or even maximize a romantic night. *wink wink*

If you sync right, you can actually rock this thing called life.

Menstrual Cycle Phases

Before we jump into expert mode cycle syncing, it’s important to understand the basics. Here’s what happens during each of the 4 phases and symptoms you can expect:

  • Menstrual Phase - Hello miss flow. This phase starts on day one of your period, lasting until your final day. Your body recognizes it’s not pregnant and hormone levels for estrogen and progesterone drop. This tells your uterus to start shedding aka bleeding. Common symptoms include tiredness, headaches, cramps, bloating, and mood swings.

  • Follicular Phase - This phase also starts on the first day of your period, but goes beyond menstruation for about 11 more days. A follicle is chosen and houses an egg to maturity. A rush of estrogen signals your body to thicken the lining of your uterus - creating a nice comfy place for a possible embryo to grow. Symptoms include high energy levels, glowing skin, and less anxiety.

  • Ovulation Phase - Ovulation normally starts 14 days before your next period, and only lasts about 24 hours. During this phase, your ovary releases a mature egg which travels to your fallopian tubes - looking to meet Mr. Sperm. This is the only time in your cycle when you can actually get pregnant. Symptoms include an increased sex drive, glowing skin, fuller breasts, and enhanced sense of smell.

  • Luteal Phase - This phase starts the day after ovulation. Your uterus begins prepping for fertilization by creating an even more cozy environment. If you do get pregnant, well… that’s a whole other blog topic. But if you don’t, levels of estrogen and progesterone drop, which cause the onset of your period again. Common symptoms of this phase include headache, bloating, breast pain, cravings, trouble sleeping and mood changes - often known as PMS. 

How To Cycle Sync

Okay, here we’re getting into the meat and potatoes. We’ve learned about each phase, now let’s start connecting the dots to optimize our life. 

Menstrual Phase: Days 1-5

This is probably not the best time to sign up for a 5K marathon. With fatigue, headaches, and cramps coming your way, a nice movie night-in might be a great option instead. If you do feel like moving, low-intensity activities like yoga and stretching are recommended. This is also a great time to focus on reflecting inward with meditation and journaling.

Follicular Phase: Days 6-14

Great news, you made it through your period. You are starting to feel like yourself again - thank you estrogen. With optimism and energy levels on the rise, now is a great time to start that new project you’ve been putting off. As for the 5K? Get ready to run fast baby!

Ovulation Phase: Days 14-25

As hormones reach their peak, you are feeling more confident, energized, and social as ever. Now is the best time to hit networking events and even pitch that new idea to your boss. Feeling spicy? Because your hormones are spiking, your sex drive is at its max. This might be the perfect time to give yourself some extra love *wink wink*. Trying to have a baby? Lights, camera, action!

Luteal Phase: Days 25-28

PMS symptoms are creeping in and you’re starting to feel edgy. This is a great time to wrap up any projects and get prepared for your period again. With cravings getting stronger, stock up on your favorite comfort food. My recommendation is dark chocolate and juicy fruit.

Pro tip: Mark your phases on the calendar each month. Then go in and schedule activities accordingly based on the above tips.


Being a woman can be a tough job. We get the joy of riding our hormone waves each month and still having to take life head on. Thankfully, knowing more about our body and how it works can help make the days a little easier, if not way better.

Stages of the Menstrual Cycle
2. Cycle Syncing: How Hacking Your Period Could Lead To A Better You
3. Menstrual Cycle Basics


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