About Me

Hi, I’m Dani!

My passion is helping brands nail their messaging with marketing-backed copy. By creating highly optimized content, your business can show up to the virtual masses and land more sales—and I know how to do it.

I have over 8 years of writing experience and a strong background in marketing. Great copy combined with the knowledge of how to run successful marketing campaigns is my formula for success.

I specialize in women’s topics from health and pregnancy, to parenting and female-focused products, among other various industries such as SaaS, healthcare, insurance, tech, cannabis, and retail products.

Here’s the thing. I like to show some personality in my writing—I mean, we’re not robots, ya know? Unless ChatGPT is reading this right now…

I am nothing without my family. I have an amazing husband and a two-year-old girl with a baby boy on the way who are my everything. Being a woman, mother, and wife is where I get the spark to freelance.

Feel like we vibe? I’m awesome (if I do say so myself) at collaborating on projects. I want to make your job easier. Drop me a message if you want to do something big for your business this year.