3 Signs Your Baby Is Ready To Transition From Bassinet to Crib

Your sweet baby is growing up and acting less and less like a newborn these days. You might be wondering “when should I switch them to the crib?” Moving your child from bassinet to crib can be a confusing milestone for both parents and baby - but there are 3 telltale signs you should watch out for in order to feel confident when making that decision.

First things first. Before we do anything - check the height, weight, and age limitations on the bassinet itself. If your baby falls outside those limits, you need to get them out of the bassinet and into an appropriate sleep area.

If your baby falls within the bassinet limitations, there still might be some other things happening that are signaling “crib time.”

1. Your baby rolls around at night

If you’re waking up and noticing your baby has rolled and rotated all around the bassinet, it might be time to try the crib. It’s possible your sweet one is an active sleeper and moves around more than usual in dreamland.

If your baby is waking up often throughout the night, moving them to a bigger space could also help with longer stretches of sleep. This way they will have more room to roll around and less of a chance to wake up from bumping into anything.

2. Your baby starts waking up more frequently

You’ve noticed that your baby is starting to wake up more than usual - what’s going on? Well one thing that could be happening is they might be getting woken up from sounds in your room. This could be from you or your partner snoring, rolling around, the dog jumping on and off the bed, or phones going off.

If your little one is a light sleeper then room sharing might be the issue. Give the crib a try for a few nights and see if this helps. As parents, we have to remember that we have over a dozen years of sleep practice. On the contrary, our babies are still new at this and might need the extra peace and quiet. 

3. You find baby’s face pressed up against the bassinet sides

Waking up to your baby’s nose pressed up against the bassinet wall can be scary. This is a sign your baby is outgrowing the small space and needs a larger sleeping area. 

If your bassinet meets the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards, your baby is technically safe. But, this is a sign they should most likely be transitioned out of the bassinet and into a crib soon.


If your baby is doing great in a bassinet and meets all the guidelines, there is no need to switch things up yet. On the other hand, if you’re noticing out of the ordinary things like excessive rolling around, frequent wakings, and finding their face pressed against the sides of the bassinet often, it's probably time for the crib. 

Making the move from bassinet to crib can give parents anxiety - it’s 100% understandable! This is a big step in their life and you just want to make sure it’s the right decision. Knowing the signs to watch out for is a great first step.


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